Today Cigars have become a style statement for the astute gentleman; cigars originate character, grade, and enjoyment. An ideal auxiliary to a single malt whiskey, the blend makes most calming leisure. Cigars are respected across the globe for their intricate and rich aroma and have been enjoyed since the 10th century. We at Cigar Studio take you through the different types of pipes, and cigars, how cigars are made, and models and sizes, which you can choose from to make the most enjoyable smoking experience.
What material is a cigar made?
A cigar is a tobacco leaf (Nicotiana tabacum) draped around a tobacco leaf filling. It’s usually more prominent than a cigarette and takes longer to smoke. Aficionados believe cigar to be the optimum way to enjoy tobacco.
Cigar types and sizes
Cigars come in several shapes and sizes and can be challenging to choose. We’ve put together a handy guide to help you understand the difference.
- Corona: These are very common and mainly the standard size cigars. Besides, it acts as a benchmark for other cigar sizes. A Corona can measure around 5 ½-inches long and will have a ring gauge between 42 and 44.
- Petit Corona: As the name suggests, it is a smaller edition of the Corona. They measure around 4 ½-inches, with a ring gauge of 40 to 42. It is also known as Mareva.
- Churchill: This cigar has been named after the former Prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill, who had a fondness for such cigars. He smoked about 300,000 similar cigars in his life. A Churchill is more significant than the Corona, measures around 7-inches, and a 47 ring gauge.
- Robusto: One of the most popular sizes of cigars nowadays, particularly in America. They have a moderately chunky ring gauge around 50 to 54, mainly compared to their 5-inch length.
- Double Corona: A look-alike of the standard Corona, almost double the length! They can be as long as 8 ½-inches long with a ring gauge between 49 and 52, making it a sweet big stogie!
- Lonsdale: A Lonsdale is a more extended version than a Corona, with a 6 ½-inch length and a 42 ring gauge.
- Pyramid: One of the most popular Figurados sizes, the Pyramid features a sharp point at the cigar’s head. However, like a Parejos, this stick has a cut foot. A pyramid cigar is measured around 6 to 7 inches, has a ring gauge of 40 at the tapered end, and a broader 54 gauge at the foot.
- Perfecto: This one features a rounded head and closed foot, similar to a Parejos, yet has a unique bulge in the middle, as opposed to straight sides. Perfecto’s can vary significantly in length, from the more compact 4 ½-inch to a striking 9-inch cigar. The ring gauges vary too, ranging from 38 to 48!
Tobacco pipes come in myriad shapes and sizes. However, they are an investment no matter the price! So, we’ve outlined some of the most beautiful heritage brands from around the world that you could choose.
- Savinelli Miele Honey Tobacco Pipe
- Chacom Atlas Taupe Smoking Pipe
- Comoy’s Tradition Smoking Pipe
- Missouri Meerschaum Country Gentleman Corncob Pipe
- Vauen Auenland Shire Churchwarden Pipe
- Peterson Irish Harp Fishtail Pipe
- Erik Nørding Freehand Rustic Tobacco Pipe
- Stanwell Army Mount Tobacco Pipe
- Falcon Standard Stem & Hunting Bulldog Pipe Bowl
- Colonial Gouda Clay Smoking Pipe
We will always recommend starting with something reasonable and find tobacco of your choice. After packing a bowl and start puffing, you will quickly understand which one to pick- a pipe or a cigar.
If you’re on the hunt to savor a premium cigar or a pipe, head to Cigar Studio in Toronto to sit back, unwind and light up a smoke.