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new world cigars

New World

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193 products


West Tampa White Robusto
West Tampa White Robusto Sale price$24.90
West Tampa Red Robusto
West Tampa Red Robusto Sale price$24.90
West Tampa Red Gigante
West Tampa Red Gigante Sale price$28.90
West Tampa Black Robusto
West Tampa Black Robusto Sale price$24.90
Rojas Street Tacos Barbacoa Robusto
Rocky Patel Vintage 1990 Toro
Rocky Patel Edge Maduro Toro
Rocky Patel Edge Corojo Toro
Rocky Patel Decade Robusto
Rocky Patel ALR-2 Robusto
Rocky Patel ALR-2 Robusto Sale price$29.90
Punch London Club
Punch London Club Sale price$13.90
Punch Gran Puro Santa Rita
Punch Gran Puro Ranchos
Punch Gran Puro Ranchos Sale price$20.90
Perdomo 20th Anniversary Maduro Robusto 556
Perdomo 20th Anniversary Connecticuit Robusto 556
Perdomo 10th Anniversary Reserve Sungrown Robusto
Oscar Valladares Wild Hunter Oscuro Toro
Oscar Valladares Leaf by Oscar Sumatra Gordo
Oscar Valladares Leaf by Oscar Corojo Gordo
Oliva Serie V Double Toro
Oliva Serie V Double Toro Sale price$31.90
Oliva Serie V Double Robusto
Oliva Nub Connecticut
Oliva Nub Connecticut Sale price$20.90
Oliva Nub Cameroon
Oliva Nub Cameroon Sale price$20.90
Nat Cicco HHB Classic	Robusto
My Father Le Bijou BP Torpedo
My Father Judge Gran Robusto
My Father Flor de Las Antillas Toro
My Father Flor de Las Antillas Robusto
My Father Flor de las Antillas Maduro Toro
My Father Connecticut Corona Gorda
Macanudo Honduras Robusto
Macanudo Honduras Robusto Sale price$15.90
Macanudo Honduras Gordo
Macanudo Honduras Gordo Sale price$18.90
Macanudo Espresso With Cream Belicoso
Macanudo Ecuador Toro
Macanudo Ecuador Toro Sale price$16.90
Macanudo Ecuador Robusto
Macanudo Ecuador Robusto Sale price$15.90
Macanudo Coffee Toro
Macanudo Coffee Toro Sale price$21.90
Macanudo Café Hyde Park
Macanudo Café Hyde Park Sale price$21.90
Macanudo Broadleaf Toro
Macanudo Broadleaf Toro Sale price$21.90
Luciano Foreign Affair Rothschild
Luciano Foreign Affair Belicoso
Luciano Dreamer Hermoso
Luciano Dreamer Hermoso Sale price$27.90
Luciano ATL Magic Sublime
Luciano ATL Magic Sublime Sale price$25.90
Luciano ATL Magic Belicoso
Lampert Ocean Breeze Robusto Grande
La Flor Dominicana L'Granu Gordo
La Flor Dominicana Double Ligero Chisel
La Flor Dominicana Andalusian Bull

New World Cigars | Cigar Studio

New World cigars represent a vibrant and evolving segment of the cigar industry, offering cigar aficionados a wide variety of flavors, craftsmanship, and innovation from regions beyond Cuba. With a growing reputation for quality and distinct taste profiles, these cigars have become a favorite among seasoned smokers and newcomers alike. At Cigar Studio, we offer a carefully curated selection of New World cigars, showcasing the best offerings from countries such as Nicaragua, Honduras, and the Dominican Republic.

What Makes New World Cigars Unique?

New World cigars distinguish themselves through their diversity of flavor profiles, blending techniques, and innovative approaches to cigar production. Unlike traditional Cuban cigars, New World cigars benefit from the distinct soil, climate, and craftsmanship of their regions. Each region brings its own unique flavors to the table, offering earthy, spicy, sweet, and even floral notes. Countries like Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic have developed a rich tradition of cigar making, creating cigars that rival the world’s best in both quality and complexity.

Explore the Richness of Nicaraguan Cigars

Nicaragua has quickly become one of the most respected regions in the world of cigars, producing some of the finest New World cigars available today. Known for its rich volcanic soil, Nicaragua’s tobacco produces cigars with bold, full bodied flavors. Whether you prefer earthy, peppery notes or a smoother, creamy smoke, Nicaraguan cigars offer something for every palate. At Cigar Studio, we carry a wide selection of Nicaraguan cigars from renowned brands, ensuring a premium smoking experience for every enthusiast.

Dominican Republic - The Heart of Smooth Cigars

The Dominican Republic is synonymous with smooth, well balanced cigars. Dominican cigars are celebrated for their mild to medium body, making them a perfect choice for those who enjoy a refined, smoother smoking experience. With carefully cultivated tobacco and expert craftsmanship, Dominican cigars offer consistency and sophistication with each puff. Our New World cigars collection features some of the best Dominican cigars, giving you access to classic brands that embody the tradition and artistry of this renowned region.

Honduran Cigars - A Bold and Spicy Experience

Honduran cigars are known for their bold, spicy flavors and robust character. With a reputation for producing cigars that are rich in flavor and strength, Honduras has established itself as a key player in the world of New World cigars. Whether you're seeking a cigar with complex spice notes or a deep, earthy profile, Honduran cigars deliver a powerful smoking experience that stands out. Cigar Studio offers a range of Honduran cigars that cater to those who enjoy a bolder, more intense smoke.

New World cigars offer an exciting and diverse smoking experience, combining tradition with innovation from regions like Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, and Honduras. At Cigar Studio, our selection of New World cigars brings you the best of these regions, providing a wide variety of flavors, strengths, and craftsmanship to suit every taste. Whether you’re exploring the boldness of Nicaraguan tobacco or the smooth elegance of Dominican cigars, our collection offers something for every cigar lover. Discover the world of New World cigars today and elevate your smoking experience with Cigar Studio.