Cigar Studio is a premium cigar shop located in the Kingsway neighbourhood of Toronto. Since opening in 1996, our core belief remains that cigars are about people – the people you share them with as well as the people you buy them from. That social connection enriches the entire experience. Since 1996, this value has shaped exactly who we are; an easy-to-find, easy-to-shop, premium cigar shop in Toronto, where we encourage you to come in and chat with us regardless of whether you are a novice or an experienced smoker.
We sell premium pipes and cigars and all related accessories. Our customer experience focus is product knowledge while helping you choose a cigar from vast assortment of carefully curated products kept in an optimal setting for quality, consistency to fully enjoy the and taste of the cigars we recommend. Since 1996, that is who we are.
The Journey
From our humble beginnings in the spring of 1996, we have always focused on providing our customers with fair market pricing on a wide selection of cigars and pipe tobaccos. We understand that the cigar industry is constantly evolving, and we have always stayed ahead of the curve by offering a curate range of sought after and boutique premium tobacco to the community. Our commitment to quality, service and providing excellent knowledge has been the driving force behind our popularity and industry recognition.
We are dedicated to staying open 7 days a week for our customers' shopping convenience. We know that many of our customers have busy schedules and limited free time, so we have made it a priority to be open every day. Whether you're in the mood for a relaxing smoke on a Sunday afternoon or need to stock up on cigars before a big event, we are always here to serve you.
Over the years, we have built a loyal following of customers who trust us to provide them with the best products and service in the industry. We take great pride in our long-term relationships with our customers and strive to exceed their expectations every day. We are honored to be a part of their cigar smoking experience and look forward to serving them for many years to come.
We are proud of our 27-year legacy and look forward to continuing to serve our customers for many more years to come. Thank you for your continued support and loyalty to us.
Since 1996
The excellence of our company since 1996 can be attributed to several factors, including our location in the heart of Toronto's Kingsway neighborhood, our commitment to hassle-free shopping, and our dedication to providing fair market pricing on a wide selection of cigars and pipe tobaccos.
Our location in the Kingsway neighborhood is a key part of why we have such a great community. We are easy to find and easy to park, with plenty of street front parking and two large lots beside the store. We are also conveniently located right beside the Royal York subway station, making it easy for customers to access our store from anywhere in Toronto.
At the heart of our success is our dedication to providing exceptional customer service. We believe that our customers are the lifeblood of our business, and we go above and beyond to ensure that they are satisfied with their shopping experience. Our knowledgeable staff is always available to answer questions and provide recommendations, and we take pride in our ability to build long-term relationships with our customers.
We are proud of our long history and look forward to continuing to serve our customers for many more years to come. If you are in Toronto or plan on visiting, we invite you to come by for a visit.
The Community
Welcome to the vibrant community of Cigar Studio, where the we have curated a wide assortment of sought after and boutique premium cigar brands and pipe tobacco blends. Our community is a welcoming space where cigar enthusiasts can gather to share their passion and learn from one another.
At Cigar Studio, we believe that cigars are more than just a smoke - they are a reflection of the rich history and culture of tobacco. Our community is committed to preserving and celebrating this history, and we are passionate about sharing our knowledge and expertise with others.
Whether you're an experienced cigar maker or a newcomer to the world of cigars, you'll find a warm welcome at Cigar Studio. Our community is built on a foundation of respect, camaraderie, and shared learning, and we are committed to fostering an inclusive and supportive environment for all.
Join us at Cigar Studio and discover the joy of cigars for yourself. Meet like-minded enthusiasts and learn from our experts. Together, we'll celebrate the art of cigars and continue to build a community that embodies the true spirit of the cigar.