A cigar is a hand-rolled bundle of fermented and dried tobacco leaves that is smoked by most aficionados. Cigars are produced in various sizes and shape extensively all over the world since it was first discovered. Since the beginning of the 20th century, most cigars are prepared with three individual components:
- The filler.
- The binder leaf that holds the filler together.
- A wrapping leaf (which most often is among the best leaf used in the manufacturing process).
Are you hunting for the best cigar shop in Toronto? Cigar Studio is your one-stop shop to avail quality premium cigars. We are continuing to serve customers with the finest quality cigars in Toronto since 1996. We are very particular about customer experience and make sure it is a positive one. Every day, we work hard to deliver the unconditional level of good service and product knowledge on a wide variety and collections of cigars. Being in the business for decades, we have incorporated other products like pipe tobaccos and cigars accessories to cater to customers’ needs as they do not have to keep hunting for cigar accessories elsewhere—all in one place.
Since 1996, premium hand-rolled cigars have represented the core of what one will find when at Cigar Studio in Toronto. Major brands from the world’s best cigar producing countries Cuba, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, Honduras, are all represented. Nicaragua is getting more and more shelf space in our humidor as it is quickly becoming the new tobacco capital of Central America. The amount and quality of new hybrid variations of leaf growth are perfect. So whether it is something new from Nicaragua, the latest edition Limitada’s from Cuba, Cigar Aficionado’s Cigars of the Year, we have it all for our customers. Cigar Studio staff assist our special customers in the selection process to ensure the right cigars have been chosen for the right occasion. (Yes, there are cigars for different occasions, just like wine).
Cigar Studio house and private label cigars stand for many of the best value in the cigar market available today. Our cigars range is priced from $9 – $20; these cigars hit the sweet selling spot and make the perfect smoke when you need some in bulk for large events, like golf tournaments, company vents, etc.
In the current pandemic times, when it was challenging to operate from our store in Toronto, we started functioning online. We had orders from our websites and different social media accounts that help us cater to our customers. We also started packages that allows customers to choose cigars they want. We assemble them in the package based on previous orders to make the online ordering process more manageable. You can visit our website and check out the various Cigar Package options available, choose and purchase, all at a reasonable price.
For more information on premium cigars, at 416-237-9470 or drop in a mail at hello@cigarstdio.com today!