How Cigars Are Made - The Process from Leaf to Lounge
Cigars, those meticulously crafted rolls of tobacco, have long been symbols of leisure and luxury. Steeped in tradition and enjoyed by enthusiasts across the world, each cigar is a testament to the...
Read moreLearn and Discover: Top 9 Must-Try Cigars for Beginners
Choosing your first cigar should be an informed decision influenced by mildness, flavor, and size. Beginners are typically advised to start with milder cigars, as they provide a gentler introductio...
Read moreBest Cigar and Spirit Pairings for a Luxurious Evening
Cigar and spirit pairings are an art form, a refined pleasure that enhances the flavors and experiences of both components. For connoisseurs and newcomers alike, the combination of a fine cigar wit...
Read moreLighting a cigar correctly is an essential skill for any cigar aficionado. It enhances the flavor, ensures an even burn, and can significantly affect the smoking experience. This guide will explain...
Read moreWhere to buy premium cigars in Toronto
A cigar is a hand-rolled bundle of fermented and dried tobacco leaves that is smoked by most aficionados. Cigars are produced in various sizes and shape extensively all over the world since it w...
Read moreBefore you put any cigars in a new humidor it is important you ensure your humidor interior has been prepped so that a desired humidity level may be maintained. Most cigars are made in a...
Read moreThings You Should Never Do As a Cigar Smoker
“The holiday season gets taxing if you do not know what to gift your loved members. Worry not, Cigar Studio has an amazing premium range of cigars and accessories you can gift your friends and f...
Read moreCigar Studio Tobacco School -Part 3 (b)
We spent some time reviewing the cigar wrapper, and in particular natural wrappers. In this our final session on cigar wrappers, we explore the wonderful world and the magic of those made with...
Read moreCigar Studio Tobacco School -Part 3 (a)
Part 1 of the Cigar Studio Tobacco School focused on the important elements of the tobacco plant, the base production unit for all cigars everywhere. Part 2 provided details on how these tobacc...
Read moreCigar Studio Tobacco School -Part 2
As introduced in Part 1, The Cigar Studio Tobacco School is a group of short tutorials we are putting together to help you get a better understanding of important tobacco and cigar “tidbits”. ...
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