What is Ash?
The ash of a cigar is more than just the burnt remains of tobacco; it's an important indicator of the cigar's quality and construction. A well-made cigar typically produces a long, firm ash, which is a sign that the tobacco was properly packed and that the cigar was rolled with care. The ash helps insulate the lit end of the cigar, maintaining an even burn and a consistent temperature, which are crucial for a smooth smoking experience. The color of the ash can vary depending on the type of tobacco and the minerals in the soil where the tobacco was grown, often ranging from light grey to almost white. Some cigar enthusiasts take pride in seeing how long they can keep the ash intact before it falls off, as a long ash is often seen as a mark of a high-quality cigar. Additionally, observing the ash can provide insights into how well the cigar has been constructed, with a flaky or uneven ash potentially indicating issues with the cigar's filler or binder.